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Radical Airline / RadAir "Soul"

Radical Airline / RadAir Soul
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Marke: Radical Airline / RadAir
Model: Soul
Saison: '94/'95
Länge: 158cm
Gewicht: 3.448kg
Seriennummer: 158 4659790
Letzter Vorbesitzer: David Bader, CH-Aarau
Im Museum dank: - der Geschenkeshop für Snowboarder
Im Museum seit: 20. Oktober 2012


  • Radical Airline / RadAir Soul
  • Radical Airline / RadAir Soul
  • Radical Airline / RadAir Soul


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  • Kommentar "This board, I adore, probably beyond any other (o.k., my Burton experimental tri-fin Performer, and my Joyride 153 EX being possible exceptions!) , simply because I spent SO MANY, MANY Days on this teaching, yet it wouldn't ever give up or quit. At about 300 days, at Killington's Defiance run, it finally delammed at the tail. I sent it back, and RadAir fixed it! I rode it another two seasons, hard (and always in hardboots!), before putting it on 'soft-snow' duty (this, a 148 cm, me,at 170 Lbs., in powder? Yup!) I had worn out the p-tex along the edges, and it had lift-line scars like no other, chased Lindsey J. during her formative hardboot years, and been raced at night-time BX events against the Coghlans and Heingartner (yeah I lost, but not by much!), been through PSIA/AASI Dev-Team, and been my main teaching ride when I supervised at Bromley (3200 students I taught that season), after every 'new' Burton I owned had broke.It has over 700 days on it! I still have this board, and hope to have Coiler restore it one day for my boy. Harry and the RadAir crew make the best boards, and I was honored to ride with and for them!! "P.S.R.""
    von Eric Brammer am 30. November 2014 08:11:19 CET
  • Kommentar "Hey Eric, wow - thanks so much for your kind words. comments like yours made me move forward with board designs and shapes. the SOUL was a totally new concept back then. thanks for riding rad air and keep in touch! harry"
    von harry am 1. Dezember 2014 13:26:42 CET
  • Kommentar "I forgot to note that I've had 4 'Souls', a 148 (which my comments were directed to), a 164 (a year earlier, and, Lordy, that thing Carved!!), and two 158/159's. I still have This Model [159], in good shape (well, needs an edge tune), and the 148, which needs more Love than I can afford yet. The longer Souls were great "Cruisers" for carving up the whole hill. I raced the 164 a few times in G.S. at ISF/USASA events nearby, and it always did well, even though not 'full-on' Race board. Now, with my Hardboot riding style, I've always put some Surf/Skateboard influence in there, too. So, these boards let me Carve hard and deep, but I could still romp up a side bank, or go in the woods, run a BX course, or just throw down multiple nose-rolls, whatever, while on these boards. Not many 'carver' boards let you 'play' with Everything on the mountain, and fewer yet would be happy Instructing at a Novice's pace. Tankers later (in Softboots, or Hardboots) became my main ride, and those, also, served me well while riding Everywhere. Rad-Air boards are simply great!"
    von Eric Brammer am 3. April 2015 02:27:12 CEST
  • Kommentar "Ich habe das Board mit Bindung. Weiß einer, was das wert ist?"
    von Sven am 29. Dezember 2024 14:31:26 CET


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