Planet Sports

LBC 2019

This year’s LBC is very special because it’s already the 20th time, freaks from all over Europe come together to celebrate the sport, that means the world to most of the participants. Over the last years we showed you the most important, most technically advanced and most beautiful boards that brought our sport further and further.

This time, we want to show you something completely different: The most extraordinary boards we could find. They never set the standards, but the were designed with very specific goals in mind. Some of them worked pretty good in their special discipline, some didn’t. But they all have something in common: They are completely outstanding. And together they are…

«The Freakshow of Snowboarding»
So enjoy our hand-picked selection of «Freaks» and if you’d like to get more info or leave a comment, just scan the QR Code of each board.

Armin and Marc of and

Hier seht Ihr das diesjährige Line-Up unserer Ausstellung bei den 20ten Longboard Classics in Stuben am Arlberg am 6. April 2019. Direkt online könnt Ihr Eure Kommentare zu den Boards hinterlassen.

23 Snowboards von LBC 2019 im Museum


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